It’s Tea Day! Or it must be since I received so much tea in the mail. Three different packages on…
Category Archives: Tea
Sexy RTD Glasses – My Impluse Shopping Weakness
I don’t like grocery shopping. At least, I don’t like having to GO grocery shopping. L.A.Z.Y. I aint got no…
Steepster Select – August 2011 – Summer Lovin’ (2 of 3)
This is nice. Amidst all of the busy busy busy everything, I am just sitting here, doing nothing, and having…
Steepster Select – August 2011 – Summer Lovin’
Fall is finally here, for better or worse. Sucks that we only had about one month of summer in Portland…
Five Nights of Forte (5 of 5)
It’s the fifth and final tea tonight from Tea Forte’s Herbal Retreat sampler. This is the only one without an…
Tea Forte’s Skin Smart (1 of 5)
It’s cookin’ night! The house was wicked cold so instead of assuming a fetal position under a pile of blankets…
Steepster Select – August 2011 – Summer Lovin’ (3 of 3)
So much tea. So little time of late. Actually there has still been much tea. Just prescription tea. Yes,…
Steepster Select – August 2011 – Summer Lovin’ (1 of 3)
Three to pick from. Only one winner to be sampled first. I choose you, Ginger Peach!…
Tea of Procrastination – Quick and Dirty Oolong
I haven’t posted in awhile because it took forever to get those Tea Forte pics off the camera, through Photoshop,…
Five Nights of Forte (4 of 5)
It’s the home stretch for the herbals. Tonight’s cocktail is Cherry Cosmo. I’m not to hopeful for this one. With…