Oh. My. Tea. I slept last night. It’s a miracle. I slept nine hours. NINE hours. I wonder if it…
Monthly Archives: October 2011
Tea Forte’s Skin Smart (1 of 5)
It’s cookin’ night! The house was wicked cold so instead of assuming a fetal position under a pile of blankets…
Steepster Select – August 2011 – Summer Lovin’ (3 of 3)
So much tea. So little time of late. Actually there has still been much tea. Just prescription tea. Yes,…
Tea Forte’s Skin Smart (2 of 5)
It’s Tea Day! Or it must be since I received so much tea in the mail. Three different packages on…
Sexy RTD Glasses – My Impluse Shopping Weakness
I don’t like grocery shopping. At least, I don’t like having to GO grocery shopping. L.A.Z.Y. I aint got no…